
Welcome to my blog dedicated to my 10 year old Dwarf Angora Rabbit Fluffy! My name is Taylor and I am Fluffy's mum. We live 1 hour down from Sydney, Australia. Here I will be posting what it's been like having a rabbit, the positives plus the negatives and everything you need to know about... Continue Reading →

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Fluffy Has A Cyst

VIEWER DISCRETION DUE TO IMAGES IN THIS POST Throughout the month of April, Fluffy began to develop a cyst on the left side of his face. During the month it grew in size and then eventually seemed like it was shrinking. Fluffy was unaffected by this, he was still his normal self; eating, drinking, digging.... Continue Reading →

Having An Older Rabbit

Fluffy is now 10 years old and over the years there has been an obvious decline in his lifestyle. Just like humans, the older you are the less active you become. Fluffy has gone from running everywhere to simply spending his days sleeping.  Being that Fluffy is also blind in one eye and losing this... Continue Reading →


Easter is right around the corner and it is the time of year where Rabbits are seen as the perfect pet. Sadly after Easter, hundreds of bunnies are abandoned at shelters after not only kids losing interest, but parents realising just how much effort having a pet Rabbit is. Rabbits are just like any other... Continue Reading →

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